To keep your tree fresh and looking great for the whole Christmas period
Here are some simple tips to follow:
- Get your tree into fresh tap water as soon as possible!
- Make sure your stand has a water compartment so the tree can drink and stay fresh.
- Every couple of days top up your water compartment, the trees can drink up to 5L a day!
- Try keep the tree out of sunlight and away from heaters and anything flammable.
For the best results:
- When you get your tree home, cut the bottom of the stump about 2cm up the trunk.
- A hand saw should work fine for this task.
- This will take the layer of sap off and allow your tree to absorb more water to stay fresh!
- Adding aspirin, soda, sugar or preservatives are unnecessary and actually can be detrimental. They can decrease moisture retention and increase needle loss.